

  • 2024.7.1
  • 2024.6.24
    We have received an investment from SMBC Venture Capital. With this financing we will accelerate the development of our pipeline, especially the clinical development of ENDOPIN, a non-opioid analgesic compound.
    *Click here for details
  • 2024.6.17
    Announcement: Appointment of Chief Financial Officer and Representative Director
    We are pleased to announce that Dr. Takashi Kiyoizumi has been appointed as Representative Director and Chief Financial Officer, effective June 10, 2024, in addition to Representative Director Dr. Tsuyoshi Ogiku.
    *Click here for details
  • 2024.4.30
    The press release from Kyoto University Hospital regarding the start of the Phase II part of an investigator-initiated clinical trial for a new analgesic drug was published.
    *Click here for the press release by Kyoto University Hospital. (Japanese only)
  • 2023.10.27
    At the general meeting of shareholders held on October 17, 2023, a resolution was passed to elect the following director.
    Takashi Kiyoizumi, Director (U.S. Development) (New Appointment)
  • 2023.10.27
    We have received an investment from Innovation Kyoto 2021 Investment Limited Partnership with Kyoto University Innovation Capital Corporation (Kyoto iCAP) as a partner with unlimited liability.
    With this investment, we will promote research and development of next-generation cancer immunotherapeutics and rare disease therapeutics (genetic diseases) with a focus on novel pain medications for further growth.
    *Click here for press release by Kyoto iCAP (Japanese only)
  • 2023.10.05
  • 2023.07.28
    We have been selected by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) for the FY2023 "Drug Discovery Venture Ecosystem Enhancement Project (Drug Discovery Venture Open Call)" (2nd round). Under this project, we will begin full-scale development of our product in the United States.
    Title: Development of ENDOPIN, an oral analgesic that activates the descending pain suppression pathway
    Click here to see the selected proposals. (Japanese only)
  • 2023.04.18
    The website of BTB Drug Development Research Center has been updated.
    The company logo has been renewed.
  • 2023.04.06
    We have received an investment from Kyogin Shining Future Support FundⅢfor SDGs Investment Limited Partnership(a fund jointly established by the Bank of Kyoto and Kyogin Lease & Capital Co., Ltd., a company under the Bank of Kyoto Group).
    We will channel this investment toward promoting the R&D of novel drugs for the treatment of pain, next-generation immunotherapeutic drugs for cancer, and drugs for the treatment of rare diseases (genetic diseases) in order to spur the growth of our company.
    *Click here for the press release by the Bank of Kyoto.
  • 2023.03.28
    The R&D of next-generation immunotherapeutic drugs for cancer at Kyoto University has been approved as a Practical Research for Innovative Cancer Control for FY2023 by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). We will continue to engage in R&D projects in collaboration with Kyoto University.
    *Click here for a list of approved projects.
  • 2023.03.22
    We participated in the 4th Kyoto University LifeScience Showcase @ San Diego 2023 as an academia-affiliated venture company and received the Best Presentation Award.
    *Click here for the press release by Kyoto University.
  • 2023.03.20
  • 2022.12.12
    The next-generation immunotherapeutic drugs for cancer that we are developing through joint research with Kyoto University were featured in a press release by Kyoto University.
    *Click here for the press release by Kyoto University.
  • 2022.07.20

    We have been approved for the FY2022 Industry-Academia-Government Co-Creation Project.
    We will enter into a joint research agreement with Kyoto University and engage in R&D projects.
    ・Approved category: Category III (Full-scale business development)
    ・Approved theme: Promoting the development of next-generation immunotherapeutic drugs for cancer with the goal of creating a society with zero cancer deaths
    *Click here for a list of approved parties.

  • 2021.12.22
    We are delighted to announce our participation in the upcoming event as a venture corporation coming from academia.

    The Third Kyoto University Life Science Showcase@San Diego 2022

    <Event date and time>
    7:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. (Japan time) March 2nd, 2022 (Wed)

  • 2021.12.22

    The 5th recorded video of the web seminar "Proposals from Kyoto University," which was held on December 14th, 2021 (Tuesday), co-sponsored by Kyoto University and Kyodai Collaborative (*), has been released on the official YouTube channel.
    (*Kyodai Collaborative: A newly established NPO based in the US whose aim it is to connect Kyoto University alumni and supporters)

    Kyoto University YouTube video
    Kyodai Collaborative YouTube video

    "Let’s Change the World Starting From Small Things! An Original Method to Grow Startups Coming from Kyoto University"
    We will discuss the original method for building startups from Kyoto University, together with ways in which the newly established, US-based NPO Kyodai Collaborative can be involved.

    ・Masatoshi Hagiwara Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University/ Director, iSAL, Kyoto University
    ・Devang Thakor, Representative, Anioplex, LLC/Deputy Representative, Intellectual Property, Turn Biotechnologies, Inc./ Chairman, Kyodai Collaborative

    Moderator: Yuki Sako, Lawyer (K & L Gates Law Office)/Director, Kyodai Collaborative Director (graduate of Kyoto University )

  • 2021.7.2
  • 2021.04.15
    We received an investment from Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd. and a press release was made. It was also published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (April 6th).
    Kyoto University based drug discovery startup BTB Drug Development Research Center (Kyoto City) has raised \100 million from venture capital firms associated with Kyoto University. This will be used for drug research and development. BTB are developing painkillers that can reduce postoperative pain, and will simultaneously begin clinical trials within Japan and overseas in FY2022.
  • 2021.03.10
    The another project has been selected for drug discovery support promotion project at 2021 - Practical application support project for the drugs of rare disease by the Japan Agency for Medical Development(AMED). Title: Development of a new drug for the splicing mutant genetic patients.
  • 2021.01.07
    The project has been selected for the 5th Call for Applications (ViCLE Practical Application Development
    Type) for the Creation of Innovative Core for Medical Research and Development (CiCLE) by the Japan
    Agency for Medical Development (AMED). Title: Development of ENDOPIN, a novel non-NSAIDS/non-
    opioid painkille
  • 2020.09.15
    The website of BTB Drug Development Research Center has been updated.